We are always looking for ways that we can reduce our impact on the environment, especially plastic waste. Please see below things we do as part of our environmental, community and diversity focus at Maison Flair. We are always learning, and accept that our journey towards sustainability will be a continuous process. This is why we explore technological advancements, and discuss sustainability when selecting new products and suppliers on an ongoing basis.
Our local community special needs partner helps with our additional packing and fulfilment requirements, subsequently offering employment opportunities to their clients.
In addition, our local community special needs contractor also provides us with gardening services.
Above all, we love that our team is made up of various ages and genders, and is ethnically diverse!
Minimising the impact on the environment is a continuous work in progress. Here at Maison Flair, we research Ways to minimise the impact of plastic on the environment and community, and are actively exploring ways to increase the sustainability focus in our supply chain.